Life Works Seminar Outline
Light House Life Works Seminar
Friday 5:30pm- 6:00pm Saturday
A model for understanding how life works and spiritual awaking
Developing a spiritual IQ test for yourself.
Transforming you mind to the mind of Christ
2 Day Seminar Friday and Saturday
7:00 PM Introduction to Light House ED Dr. Karl Benzio, Victor Tarassov MS.
Mike Huber MS MDiv
7:15 PM A look into the Soul from the Mind and Heart of God
1. We are made in the image of God
a. In relationship
b. To reason, act and feel
2. The Goal is to love God and others.
3. Question how are we doing?
a. This is a life long process that we are going to call biblical reflection. What is really going on?
b. Developing the mind of Christ takes
i. Time
ii. Effort
iii. Money
iv. Sacrifice
v. Pain
7:45 Two Keys For the Night
Knowing our story -Mike Huber
A Model for Reflection – Victor Tarassov
1. My Story
“Man is created for the stars but lives in the swamp” Carl Jung
“God danced the day you were born” Mother Teresa
A. In the beginning
1. Genetic Predispositions
2. Family Structure/Alliances/Socio economics
3. Family Values/Tradition/ Trauma/Secrets
4. Family Interpretation and Clarification/Reinforcement
5. Self Concept
B. You Meets Life
1. Family You meets world:
• Primary socialize school
• Primary Clarifier the Home
• Self Concept reinforced and challenged
• Risk vs. Reward
• Trauma Web
• Adaptive strategy vs. Personal Vision and dreams
The Process of Reflection -Victor Tarassov
Biblical reflections is the process of understating our choices that we make based on our feelings, actions, thinking, motivations, and confidence.
Lets take a look at how we have come to see it this way.
1. In Gen 3:22 God is a personal being who relates.
2. In Ps 40:7 God is a rational Being who thinks.
3. In Heb 4:15 and Eph 4:29-30 God is an emotional being who feels.
4. In 1 Cor 1:27 and Jn15:19 God is a volitional being who Chooses.
Into to the Model that we will call
8:30 Overview of the Model with Mike H
9:30 A time for Personal Reflection: Homework for the night:
8:15am Muffins and Check in
9:00am The Process and review of Reflection from the night before
The Actual Process:
(This is an example of how the model works when some one is angry)
There are some key phrases that I want to look at as well and they are
1. Trigger (what are events or things that cause us to act in a way that we don’t want to)
2. Feeling (When we are triggered what are we feeling, angry, sad, mad, hurt,)
3. Action (When we feel __________ what is is that we do behavior)
4. Thoughts (What type of thoughts go through our mind when we are acting out of our feelings)
5. Need (What do we really need air _____, ______, _______)
6. Desire (We do we want but can live with out)
7. Demand (What are we say that we need)
8. Greatest Perceived Threat (What is is that we believe we cant live with out or have to have, or that life depends on)
9. Growth Goals (What do)
How to apply this in ones life.
11:00 Break Out group into 2-3 small groups
12:15 Lunch 12:15-1:30
1:30 Review of the Model Questions
2:00 Break
2:15 The Process of Regeneration and Reconciliation in the Power of the Holy Sprit
1. What would I have to believe about God, self, others, and the world
2. I really believed these new thought how would I act differently
3. If I started to act in this new way what would I begin to feel?
Q. What would get in the way of this “New Way of Life Work” happing?
3:45 Break
4:00 Victor and Mike:
The process of the Garden
5:30 Communion and Conclusion of Life Works Seminar
6:00 Over
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